UK Office

London City Point Building
1 Ropemaker Street
London EC2Y 9HR
+44 20 7153 1007

US Office

101 E Washington St
Floor 8
Phoenix, AZ 85004
+1 9132289401

8 am – 5 pm

Monday to Friday



6th March 2025

UK Office

London City Point Building
1 Ropemaker Street
London EC2Y 9HR
+44 20 7153 1007

US Office

101 E Washington St
Floor 8
Phoenix, AZ 85004
+1 9132289401

8 am – 5 pm

Monday to Friday



Our Most Popular Packages

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Our Business Support Packages


Our Start-up and SME experts are available to answer your questions via email during office hours; giving you the confidence to grow and develop your entrepreneurial ambitions.

Business Readiness Check and Cash Flow Improvement

Financial Forecasting Support including Business Plan Template and advice on pricing and start-up costs

Uncomplicated free advice on the best factoring solution for Your Business – Available to both start-ups and established business clients


The bronze package plus all of the following:

Communicating your message to more than 10,000 contacts to help grow and develop your business

Access to step by step guides on How to start and grow your business:

This step by step easy to follow guide will give you advice and tips on how to maximise on

the vital elements of a successful business: Planning, Finance, Sales & Marketing, Taxation and Legislation

Facility available to new start business with turnover from just £ 100K per annum.


The bronze and silver packages plus all of the following:

Monthly Promotion of your Business via our Social Media Channels

Our Experts are available to answer your questions during office hours. Vital support for you

to overcome those business challenges, giving you new ideas & confidence in the decisionyou have already made.

A highly effective way to improve business performance; One of our team will be on hand to

support and guide you and your business. For one hour each month you will be able to draw

on the business expertise of our UK Business Mentoring Team

Business Readiness & Health Check Audit

Monthly Promotion of your Business via our Social Media Channels

Access to Step by Step Guides on How to Start & Grow your Business

Monthly Business Mentoring

Additional Information About Our Services

One of the things that all of the UK’s most successful companies have in common is that they hold regular board meetings to discuss strategy. What’s more, in our experience, when smaller businesses – even one man band businesses – start holding board meetings they immediately start thinking like, acting like and achieving like their bigger and more successful counterparts.

We’ll gladly come to any four of your key business meetings as a resource to help you make the very best use of your time. And you can use us in any way you want – fromsilent observer to adjudicator, technical adviser to independent sounding board,chairman to minute taker, or even as the facilitator for brainstorming sessions.

One of the most important parts of business success is accountability. It is 12 monthly income and expenses statements, balance sheet andoperating cash flow – those are the road maps to enable you to know where your money is and how you can run your business with more cash. Analysing the numbers regularly according to the management reports is more likely to make business owners rich. The advantages of those reports usually coincide with the ability for companies to improve operations and overall profitability. It also enables business owners to developcost allocation process therefore lower their operating expenses and improve cash flow.

As a valued client you will have unlimited access to our entire team for advice on ad-hoc matters. This means that you can call on us at any time knowing that you will never be charged for our time or advice. So I hope you will feel free to speak to us whenever you need to, without ever having to worry about the cost with access to a business growth system; One to one meetings available with no

Of course, if any of the issues raised at any of these unlimited consultations (or anywhere else) require research or analysis beyond the consultation, we will give you a fixed price quotation for that extra work before any additional work is started.

This means you will never get an unexpected bill.

Other services ( included in the packages)

Annual Return – All companies are required to submit Annual Return once a year. An Annual Return provides a snapshot of general information about your company, including details of directors and company secretary if you have appointed one, the registered office, share capital and shareholdings.

Self-Assessment Personal Tax Return – Preparation of your basic self-assessment taxreturn[s], calculating your tax liabilities and advising on the payments of tax.

NOTE: If your return includes additional schedules then this service will be priced separately, so please contact us for quote.

Payroll service – (If  required) we will deal with all the paperwork and take away the worry of penalties for late or incorrect returns

Bookkeeping service – let us deal with all the paperwork and free up your time to concentrate on running a more successful business.

Your guarantees and safeguards

To be effective, we believe that professional relationships need to be based on mutual trust, mutual support, mutual respect and mutual integrity. As a result we only work with clients who share our belief in the importance of these four factors.

In practice that means that, with this piece of work as with everything else we do for you,we will always do everything in our power to:

 Keep you fully informed about what’s happening on your affairs, and complete every task on or ahead of time – so that you never have to chase us

 Operate on the principle that a problem isn’t solved, or a piece of work finished, until you are 100% delighted

 Maintain the high standards of integrity, honesty, openness, professionalism and confidentiality that you rightly expect from us

 Refer our contacts to you where we believe they could benefit from your products and services

 Always be on the lookout for new ideas that could help you to build an even more successful business and achieve your business goals

 Do what we say we are going to do, when we say we are going to do it

 Always agree a fixed fee with you, in advance, for every piece of work – so you never receive any surprise bills
